Link to the website of the "Pomeranian Biogas Model" project (acronym: POM-BIOGAS) implemented in 2016, under which the possibilities of using the organic fraction of municipal waste, as well as selected industrial waste, as a source of renewable energy were investigated. The DIGEST-PLAST project develops the process, equipment and raw material bases developed in the POM-BIOGAS project

Promotional materials:

  1. Roll up (pdf, 7.31MB)
  2. Poster BFN (pdf, 3.39MB)
  3. Plakat AquaCOWI (pdf, 453.71kB)

Promotion movie:


  1. Grabowiec A., Wożniak B., Hupka J., Szatkowska B., Dzioba M., Produkcja biogazu z frakcji organicznej odpadów komunalnych w obecności polimerów biodegradowalnych, Pismo PG, 5/2021, str. 31-33
  2. Mioduska J., Grabowiec A., Hupka J., Digestate Quality Originating from Kitchen Waste, Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 10353,
  3. Arendt R., Kopczyński A., Hupka J., Grabowiec A., Importance of artificial intelligence to support the process of anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste with bioplastics, no. 6/2024, Przemysł Chemiczny,