Paweł Sachadyn, PhD,Professor, Laboratory Head
Paweł Sachadyn completed his PhD dissertation at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdansk University of Technology in 2000. Dr. Sachadyn carried out several research projects in molecular biotechnology and molecular diagnostics, including investigations on the application of MutS protein to analyse mutations and pre-mutational changes in DNA. From 2005 to 2008, as a fellow of the Foundation for Polish Science, he conducted studies on mammalian regeneration in the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. In the following years. Dr. Sachadyn developed his research towards the molecular basis of mammalian regeneration with particular regard to its epigenetic aspects. In 2015, dr Sachadyn initiated the Laboratory for Regenerative Biotechnology. The Laboratory aims to delineate novel regenerative medicine strategies based on the pharmacological activation of endogenous regenerative potential using innovative epigenetic therapies.

Rafał Płatek, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher

Piotr Sass, PhD Eng, Postdoctoral Researcher

Paulina Słonimska, MSc Eng, PhD candidate
Jakub Baczyński-Keller, , MSc Eng, PhD candidate
Former Lab members
Paweł Sosnowski, PhD,
PhD candidate from 2015 to 2021, investigator in the REGENNOVA project and postdoctoral researcher in the BIONANOVA project
Jolanta Kamińska, PhD
PhD Candidate 12.2016-06.2022, an investigator in REGENNOVA and BIONANOVA projects
Bartosz Górnikiewicz, PhD
researcher in the REGENNOVA project till March 2018
Justyna Podolak-Popinigis, PhD
researcher in the REGENNOVA project till March 2018