Welcome to the website of the XIth International Session of Young Scientific Staff "Food in the face of the challenges of the modern world".
This year, we are inviting students, PhD students and young research workers from Poland and abroad who deal with topics related to food and nutrition sciences. The leading topic of this year's session will be the exchange of experiences and scientific views, including: innovations the field of food and nutrition technology, innovative product design, process engineering, food safety and sustainable development. We hope that participation in the conference will be an opportunity to present research results, discuss and build relationships that will result in future scientific cooperation.
Each participant of the conference has the opportunity to publish an article free of charge in the journal FOOD. SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGY. QUALITY (20 MEiN points).
The conference is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science under contract No. KONF/SN/0336/2023/01 as part of funds allocated for science dissemination activities under the "Excellent Science II" program. Project name: "XIth International Session of Young Scientific Staff”.