Achieving the Europe 2020 energy and environmental goals, such as increasing energy efficiency by 20% and reducing CO2 emissions, is a major challenge. One of the tools to reduce dependence on fossil fuels is the efficient and trouble-free operation of district heating networks. The European Union, the world's largest energy importer (EUR 400 billion, representing approximately 53% of total demand), will face enormous investment needs in the modernization of existing district heating infrastructure in the coming years.
The aim of the BSAM projects is to develop methods, principles of cooperation and knowledge transfer in the field of intelligent asset management (SAM - Smart Asset Management) in the context of heating networks. The specific goals of the project include activities such as:
- identification of barriers and success factors for the development and implementation of SAM and digitization of heating networks,
- development of country-specific methods for monitoring the condition of heating networks,
- the use of modern ICT tools for predictive maintenance of heating networks based on real-time data
BSAM Project Partners:
Linnaeus University, Sweden (Lead Partner)
SweHeat & Cooling, Sweden
Öresundskraft, Sweden
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
OPEC Gdynia, Poland
Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Lithuanian District Heating Association, Lithuania
Project co-financed by Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 - 2020
Project no: STHB.02.02.00-SE-0149/18
Total project budget: EUR 1 302 500
ERDF requested amount: EUR 1 041 125
Research works in the Baltic Phytoremediation project are carried out as part of an international project co-financed by the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education pn. "PMW" in 2021-2023; contract No. 5247/SBP 2014-2020/2021/2