A visit of Professor Yuanqi Lu from Dezhou University | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2018-10-30

A visit of Professor Yuanqi Lu from Dezhou University

Dezhou University

We would like to warmly welcome Prof Yuanqi Lu to our Faculty. His home university of Dezhou University of the Shandong Province, in the People Republic of China. His travel is part of a Master exchange program organized by our two universities. He will stay until the 22nd of November. He will give lectures and seminars of Green Technologies and Monitoring in the 1st and 2nd level of studies. In addition during his stay, he will negotiate new possibilities of cooperation, and thus bring the two universities closer!

We have just extended the Master exchange program for 2019. So any Master students wishing to participate, and spend the summer 2019 at Dezhou University, please contact dr hab. Christian Jungnickel.