The Polish Society of Microbiologists, Gdańsk Branch and the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology, Gdańsk University of Technology, in collaboration with the Department of Microbiology of the Medical University of Gdańsk, are pleased to invite you to a on-line microbiological conference: the Pomorskie Meetings with Microbiology series entitled "Microbes - enemies and allies" to be held on June 24-25, 2021.

The topics of the conference will cover both the current problems of clinical microbiology, diagnostics of important pathogens and new antimicrobial therapies, it will present new solutions in the treatment and prevention of infections and important aspects of environmental microbiology and biotechnology in medicine and industry. "

Pomeranian Meetings with Microbiology" is addressed to a wide group of participants, we invite microbiologists, laboratory diagnosticians, epidemiologists, doctors, biotechnologists and everyone to whom the discussed issues are close. The conference is free of charge, registration is required on the conference website. In the case of active participation (poster, lecture or oral presentation, please attach an abstract in accordance with the guidelines on the conference website).


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