
Knowledge, education and development 2014-2020

Priority axis

III. Higher education for economy and development


3.3 Internationalization of polish higher education

Project name

Go!Green – Inter Applied Chemistry

No. of agreement


Project Budget

716 445 PLN

European funds contribution

694 951 PLN

Project duration


Goal of the project:
The aim of the project is development and conducting the first didactic cycle of novel Go!Green Inter Applied Chemistry Program specialization. 

Expected effects of the project:

  • Increased collaboration with foreign universities
  • Internationalization of studies - immersive internationalization
  • Increased interest of foreign students to study at Gdańsk Tech, and in Poland
  • Increased level of communication between students of difference disciplines
  • Opportunity to learn and study in English
  • Ability to learn to communicate thoughts and ideas to those not in the same field
  • Ability to learn to communicate reliably through e-platforms
  • Increased profile and prestige of Gdańsk Tech, thereby drawing better students to our study lines
  • Increased student numbers
  • Problem based, and thought provoking new lecture courses at Gdańsk Tech