Spektrometr NMR firmy Bruker

The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory is equipped with a Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz spectrometer with a BBFO 31P-15N probe and a TXI 1H / 13C / 31P three-channel probe.

Type of analyzes performed

Routine measurements:

  • 1H
  • 31P{1H}, 31P
  • 13C{1H}, 13C

Special measurements after agreeing with the operators.

Operation time

The spectrometer is available for continuous measurements (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), except during maintenance and service.

Terms of use

Only trained users have independent access to the spectrometer. Otherwise, staying in the laboratory is only possible in the presence of the operator. People who perform and order NMR measurements participate in the costs of using the spectrometer.

Persons authorized to operate the spectrometer:

  • Rafał Grubba, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng.
    maintenance and measurements
  • Aleksandra Wiśniewska, Ph.D., Eng.
    maintenance and measurements
  • Kinga Kaniewska-Laskowska, Ph.D., Eng.
  • Katarzyna Kowalewska, M.Sc.

Method of sample preparation and delivery

The samples should be prepared in high-precision (HP) NMR tubes with a diameter of 5 mm. Pay special attention to whether the tube is not damaged (e.g. small cracks), as this may damage the spectrometer. The sample should contain at least 0.7 ml of deuterated solvent (corresponding to a minimum of 5 cm of a column of liquid in the tube) and should not contain sediment. Samples should be tightly closed with a stopper. The minimum amounts of the solute depending on the spectrum are presented in the table below:

Spectrum Organic compound Complex compound
1H 5 mg 10 mg
31P 20 mg 40 mg
13C 20 mg 40 mg

The sample should be labelled:

In addition, the sample data should be entered in the notebook with measurement records:

  • Sample name
  • Name of the ordering person
  • Date
  • Department
  • Deuterated solvent
  • Type of spectrum
  • Desired measuring range for each type of spectrum

Samples for measurements to be performed on the changer should be left in the cabinet next to the entrance to the NMR laboratory in a container marked "Do pomiaru". The samples to be collected are in the same place in the container marked "Do odbioru". The notebook with the measurement records is located in the cabinet.

Method of carrying out measurements

Measurements are carried out in two modes, depending on the type of experiments performed and user rights:

  • Automated measurements with sample changer (Z) – Samples collected during the day and measurements  performed overnight. Samples are queued by operators or trained users.
  • Self-measurements performed by trained users (S) – measurements performed during the day (S).

Receiving the results

Access to data, in electronic form, is possible via a network drive from anywhere in the Faculty and outside it.