1. Kazi Amirul Hossain (PhD thesis): Unraveling the Interplay between DNA and Proteins: A Computational Exploration of Sequence and Structure-Specific Recognition Mechanisms
  2. Maria Krakowiak (Eng thesis) Mechanism of permeation of amphotericin B across biological membranes


  1. Krzysztof Jasieński (Eng thesis): Catalytic mechanism of ATP synthase


  1. Antoni Marciniak (MSc thesis): Molecular mechanism of the unidirectional rotation of the c-ring in ATP synthase
  2. Michał Olewniczak (MSc thesis): Mechanism of the facilitated diffusion of fatty acids through lipid membranes -- the example of the FadL protein
  3. Michał Jurkowski (MSc thesis): Why do G-quadruplexes show strong preference for right-handed conformations?
  4. Laura Godzwon (Eng thesis): Assessment of the possibility of extending the antimicrobial spectrum of diarylquinoline drugs using molecular docking


  1. Michał Olewniczak (Eng thesis): How do mutations of presenilin alter the substrate binding mode in the catalytic site of gamma-secretase?
  2. Michał Jurkowski (Eng thesis): Allosteric mechanisms in model proteins studied by molecular simulations
  3. Karol Jacek (Eng thesis): Interdomain communication within the hERG potassium channel using molecular dynamics simulations
  4. Antoni Marciniak (Eng thesis): Coupling mechanism between the rotary motion of the membrane portion of ATP synthase with electrochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane


  1. Joanna Słabońska (MSc thesis): Mechanism of inhibition of ATP synthase by an antitubercular drug bedaquiline
  2. Szymon Orkisz (MSc thesis): Energy transduction pathways within the catalytic subunit of ATP synthase
  3. Miłosz Wieczór (PhD thesis): Interactions of telomeric proteins with nucleic acids: sequence recognition on intact and oxidatively damaged telomeres
  4. Mateusz Kogut (PhD thesis): Thermodynamics of DNA interactions and structural transitions in water solutions based on molecular dynamics simulations
  5. Łukasz Nierzwicki (PhD thesis): Biomolecular simulations as a tool for studying the recognition and binding mechanisms of proteins


  1. Prokopowicz Bartosz (Eng thesis): Allosteric communication pathways within ATP synthase
  2. Adamczak Beata (PhD thesis): Effect of osmolytes on protein stability revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
  3. Paweł Chodnicki (MSc thesis): Molecular details of the interaction between the antiviral IFITM proteins and influenza fusion peptides within a phospholipid membrane


  1. Chodnicki Paweł (Eng thesis): Molecular driving forces behind lateral phase separation in lipid bilayers
  2. Kleist Cyprian (MSc thesis): Stability of G-quadruplexes and their aggregates characterized in molecular detail
  3. Wityk Paweł (MSc thesis): Effect of local sequence on the number of strand breaks in irradiated DNA  labeled with bromouracil
  4. Jurasz Jakub (MSc thesis): Development of an efficient protocol of virtual screening for identification of new inhibitors


  1. Dutkiewicz Mateusz (Eng thesis): Molecular mechanism of energy conversion in ATP synthase
  2. Kleist Cyprian (Eng thesis): Association of G-quadruplex DNA – a numerical approach
  3. Jaworski Kamil (MSc thesis): Statistical methods in analysis of numerical data from dynamic simulations of biomolecular systems
  4. Wieczór Miłosz (MSc thesis): Self-association of amphotericin B in water solution


  1. Nierzwicki Łukasz (MSc thesis): Can specific interaction with amyloid precurssor protein underlie the cholesterol-induced acceleration of amyloidogenesis?
  2. Harasimowicz Judyta (MSc thesis): Molecular determinants of the effect of osmolytes on structural stability of DNA – a Molecular Dynamics study
  3. Gdaniec Paulina (MSc thesis): Stochastic processes in analysis of numerical data from dynamic simulations of biomolecular systems


  1. Nierzwicki Łukasz (Eng thesis): Specific binding of cholesterol to the Amyloid Precursor Protein characterized in molecular detail
  2. Judyta Harasimowicz (Eng thesis): Effect of osmolytes on structural stability and dynamics of DNA – a numerical approach
  3. Wityk Paweł (Eng thesis): Effect of excess electron on the stability of brominated analogs of nucleobases through ab initio Molecular Dynamics
  4. Wieczór Miłosz (Eng thesis): A Molecular Dynamics analysis of TRF1/TRF2 mechanisms of sequence recognition and DNA binding
  5. Tobiszewski Adrian (MSc thesis): Telomeric DNA/protein complexes as potential targets for anticancer drugs – a Molecular Dynamics study


  1. Toczydłowska Diana (Eng thesis): Molecular Dynamics as a method to study the effect of osmolytes on DNA structure and stability
  2. Adamczak Beata (MSc thesis): Hydration of aminoacids studied by molecular dynamics
  3. Kogut Mateusz (MSc thesis): Molecular determinants of stability of DNA G-quadruplexes – a computational approach