Main research projects in our group:


Mechanistic aspects of energy transfer in ATP synthase
(in co-operation with prof. Helmut Grubmüller from the Max Planck Institute in Goettingen)

ATP synthase, also known as FOF1-ATPase or the F-ATPase, is an evolutionarily conserved enzyme central to the bioenergetics of most living cells. Due to its complex structure and multiple possible mechanisms of inhibition, it is considered an interesting target for new therapeutics. The main biological role of the F-ATPase is to couple the electrochemical proton gradient across the phospholipid bilayer with the synthesis of ATP – the universal carrier of biologically useful energy – from ADP and inorganic phosphate.


Specificity and dynamics in protein-DNA interactions on telomeres

Although the genetic information is contained in the nucleotide sequence, the data stored in such way can only be interpreted in a spatiotemporally coordinated manner if sequence-specific protein factors bind to selected sites on the DNA strand. This recognition is governed by a code much more intricate than the genetic code itself – it depends on the sequence, steric and geometric constraints, post-translational modifications, the presence of other macromolecules and the competition between different kinds of interactions.


γ-secretase in amyloidogenesis: activity modulation and substrate binding

γ-secretase is a membrane-bound enzyme that participates in multiple signaling pathways in the cell by cleaving multiple other proteins. Aberrant processing of one of them, the amyloid precursor protein, by γ-secretase leads to an increased release of β-amyloid polypeptides, which accumulate to form neuritic plaques that are the pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease.


Molecular determinants of the stability of G-quadruplexes
(in co-operation with the group of prof. Zofia Gdaniec from the PAS Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry)

As the main carrier of genetic information, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a crucial component of virtually all living cells. It has been known for some time now that besides its well-known double helix form, the molecule can also form a number of other secondary structures with interesting biological functionalities.


Mechanisms of specificity in the antifungal activity of amphotericin B
(in co-operation with the group of prof. Wiesław Gruszecki from the Institute of Physics at UMCS)

Along with azoles and echinocandines, Amphotericin B (AmB) is one of the drugs that are most commonly employed in the treatment of fungal infections. This polyene macrolide antibiotic is produced by Streptomyces nodosus and exhibits high therapeutic potency with very low resistance, a trait that has kept it on the market since early 60s.



Research projects carried out in collaboration with other groups:

Molecular underpinnings of the CRISPR-Cas9 activity
in collaboration with prof. Giulia Palermo from University of California, Riverside

Mechanisms of allosteric regulation in mitochondrial chaperones Hsp70
in co-operation with the group of prof. Jarosław Marszałek from the Faculty of Biotechnology at UG/GUMed

Structural stability of protein subunits forming bacterial fimbriae
in co-operation with the group of dr. Rafał Piątek, PG

Molecular basis of the protective action of retinal carotenoids
in co-operation with the group of prof. Wiesław Gruszecki from the Department of Biophysics at UMCS

Mechanism of antiviral activity of membrane proteins from the IFITM family
in co-operation with the group of dr. Jelger Risselada from the Leiden University

Modified nucleosides as radio- and photosensitizers for DNA damage
in co-operation with the group of prof. Janusz Rak from the Department of Physical Chemistry at UG

Molecular basis of the cosolvent effect on the stability of biomacromolecules
in co-operation with the group of prof. Janusz Stangret, PG