History of the Faculty of Chemistry
A university of technology in Gdańsk was founded under the rule of the German Empire (Kingdom of Prussia) under the name: Königlische Technische Hochschule Danzig (1904-1918), after empire’s fall it was renamed to: Technische Hochschule zu Danzig (1918-1921) and Technische Hochschule der Freien Stadt Danzig (1921-1939). Once the city was occupied by the hitlerite Germany, the name of the university was initially changed to: Technische Hochschule Danzig (1939-1941), and later to: Reichshochschule Danzig (1941-1945). In 1945, when Gdańsk was regained by Poland, the university was named Politechnika Gdańska (official English version: Gdańsk University of Technology) as the Polish institution of higher education.
History of the university is marked by two fundamental dates, namely 6th of October 1904 and 24th of May 1945. First of these determined the beginning of academic technical education in Gdańsk, as it was the date of the first inauguration of academic year at the newly opened Royal (Prussian) Technical High School, aimed at academic technical education and elevating the level of technical knowledge in the Pomeranian region. This solemn inauguration was held in presence of the German Emperor and King of Prussia, Wilhelm II Hohenzollern.
Before 1904 four buildings had been erected: Main Building, Chemistry Buiding, Electric Faculty Building, and the Laboratory of Machines Technology (a building with high chimney) to house the four faculties formed: Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Faculty of Shipbuilding. During this first, covering almost 40 years, period of university’s existence, among the German students one could meet numerous foreigners, Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians, and especially Polish. The Polish students had their organizations: social, political, scientific, and sport, which altogether constituted a noteworthy card of Polish academic society. In their respective programs, one can find, first of all, a patriotic tone; the programs aimed at fighting discrimination and insults towards Polish students, who were subject to such treatment auntil their final, illegal expulsion from the university in February 1939. The language of instruction during the 1904-1945 period was German.
The second date means foundation of Politechnika Gdańska. Two weeks after termination of WW II hostilities, a Decree of Polish National Council of 24th of May 1945 erected a Polish Gdańsk University of Technology. Inaugural lecture, delivered by professor Ignacy Adam-czewski, marked the beginning of teaching at all the four faculties. It was the first lecture in Polish language taught in these buildings. 4 faculties were established by the decree: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Shipbuilding, and Faculty of Chemistry. Urgent need for the Faculty of Architecture was corrected on 25th of October 1945 by a decree of the Minister of Education.
After the damages of WW II, Politechnika Gdańska was rebuilt and reconstructed byPolish professors and engineers from Lwów, Wilno, and Warsaw.
The Faculty of Chemistry is currently one of the largest faculties of chemistry in Poland. There are 1140 students of the Ist and IInd cycle, 99 PhD students, 288 employees, including 178 academic teachers, including 25 titular professors and 63 DScs (with habilitation), and 80 doctors.
Over more than 74 years of its functioning (since WW II) 13 436 graduates have earned the diplomas of the Faculty of Chemistry Gdańsk Tech, including 5852 – engineer’s diplomas, and 7584 – master’s diplomas. PhD degree was bestowed upon 897 candidates, and DSc degree (habilitation) upon 163 candidates.
The alumni of the Faculty of Chemistry work in all branches of industry, first of all in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industry, as well as in many scientific and R&D institutions and universities at home and abroad.
Updated January 2021
Gallery of the Deans
Gallery of the Deans of the Faculty of Chemistry from 1945

Włodzimierz Wawryk
Organizer of the Faculty
Dean 1945-1948

Stefan Minc
Organizer of the Faculty
Dean 1948-1951

Włodzimierz Rodziewicz
Organizer of the Faculty
Dean 1951-1953, 1958-1960, 1960-1962

Ignacy Adamczewski
Organizer of the Faculty
Dean 1953-1954, 1965-1969

Tadeusz Pompowski
Dean 1954-1956, 1962-1965

Zbigniew Rozmej
Dean 1956-1958

Zygmunt Ledóchowski
Dean 1965-1965

Włodzimierz Libuś
Dean 1969-1971

Teresa Sokołowska
Dean 1971-1973

Zdzisław E. Sikorski
Dean 1973-1975, 1978-1981

Włodzimierz Zwierzykowski
Dean 1975-1978

Jan Dobrowolski
Dean 1981-1984

Bronisław Drozdowski
Dean 1984-19887, 1987-1990

Jan F. Biernat
Dean 1990-1993, 1993-1996

Jacek Namieśnik
Dean 1996-1999, 1999-2002, 2005-2008, 2008-2012

Sławomir Milewski
Dean 2002-2005, 2012-2016, 2016-2019

Agata Kot-Wasik
Dean 2019-2020, 2020-2024