Paweł Kubica PhD, Eng

tel: +48 58 347 18 33
Building 6 – Chemistry A, room 011

Information for outgoing Students

Dear Students,

I am pleased to present You information about the possibility of going abroad to complete a part of the education or internship in partner universities and industry under the Erasmus + program. Have in mind the current epidemic difficulties that may limit travel. I advise You to be cautious at the stage of planning the trip. Some technical details and tips for Students leaving during a pandemic threat can be found at

Mobility under the Erasmus + program may be carried out in order to complete part of the studies at a partner university (including the bachelor and master's theses/projects) or a training internship. The list of partner universities and faculties can be found in the tab (list is regularly updated, so it is worth following it regularly). In the absence of a signed agreement between the faculties of Gdańsk Tech and the partner university, please inform me in advance about your willingness to go to a chosen unit and it is very likely that You will be able to extend the already existing inter-university agreement. Please remember that each university has individually set deadlines for applying for the possibility of arrival - usually it is about 5-7 months before the start of the semester for which You plan to come.

My experience also shows that it is worth contacting the coordinator at the partner university in order to establish initial contact and "announce" You - the Student. This will allow the coordinators to look after the person and help them overcome various obstacles. After arriving in the destination city, I recommend a personal visit to the local Erasmus+ office and coordinator of faculty, remember about insurance in order to avoid problems after possible damage during the classes.

Below are the steps to be taken at least 6 months before the planned departure to the partner university:

Departure to complete part of the studies

Step I - selection of the university with which Chemical Faculty has signed a partnership agreement, the list of universities can be found at: –  ERASMUS + AGREEMENTS (EU countries and associated countries, e.g. Norway , Liechtenstein, Turkey) → file to download.

Step II - on-line registration of the trip on the MojaPG portal.

Step III - completing the Learning agreement - before mobility document. The application and instructions to be completed can be found at:

Step IV - submitting an Application to go abroad to the Dean's Office, the application is available at:

Applications of 1st and 2nd cycle students are signed by the Vice-Dean for Education.

Applications of third-cycle students are signed by the Head of Doctoral Studies or Director of the Doctoral School.

Step V - submission of the signed documents to the Dean's representative for ERASMUS + (outgoing students): Learning Agreement and Application for a trip abroad.

Step VI - submission of the set of documents required by DMWA (

Departure procedure for internship

Step I - selection of a company/institution whose business profile is related to the current field of study (a letter of intent/invitation from the selected institution is necessary). Examples of institutions to which you can go can be found at:

Step II - register the trip on-line at the My GUT portal.

Step III - filling in the Learning Agreement for Traineeship document, the application and instructions to be completed can be found at:

Step IV - submitting an Application to go abroad to the Dean's Office, the application is available at:

Applications of 1st and 2nd cycle students are signed by the Vice-Dean for Education.

Applications of third-cycle students are signed by the Head of Doctoral Studies or Director of the Doctoral School.

Step V - submission of the set of documents required by DMWA (

After returning from abroad, You must present a document confirming Your stay in a partner unit and fill in an evaluation questionnaire in which you will assess Your stay abroad and show us and the EU what can be improved. It is very important to us and we make great efforts to ensure that the quality of exchanges is as high as possible.

In case of doubts or a desire for a personal/online meeting, please contact (or in room 011 Chemistry A after prior appointment). I try to be open to meetings with You and get things done as soon as possible, but it is not always possible in the rush of everyday duties.

Thank you for reading this information and I hope for a wide response from You – nothing develops scientifically and culturally like academic exchange!

Kind regards

Paweł Kubica PhD, Eng
Dean's Representative and Faculty Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme