Innovative methods in education, modern approaches and teaching tools | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-10-21

Innovative methods in education, modern approaches and teaching tools

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On 17 October, in auditorium 1.4 of Chemistry C building, a seminar was held at the Faculty of Chemistry of Gdańsk University of Technology, devoted to innovative methods in education and modern teaching tools. The aim of the meeting was to present the latest trends and solutions supporting the teaching process.

The seminar was opened by Vice-Dean Sebastian Demkowicz, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, who introduced the participants to the field of modern teaching methods, emphasizing the importance of innovation in the educational process and presented certificates of recognition to the winners of the prestigious #eduSHARE award.

Then Bartłomiej Cieślik, PhD, Eng., presented the offer of the Center for Modern Education of Gdańsk University of Technology. He presented tools and resources that can support faculty employees in everyday teaching challenges, such as digital educational platforms, interactive materials and methods of engaging students.

The next item on the agenda was a lecture by Robert Tylingo, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk Tech, on the practical application of artificial intelligence in the teaching process. The topic stirred up emotions because it shows how AI technologies can support both scientists and students in their work on research and educational projects.

A debate also ensued, during which participants shared their observations and needs in the field of teaching. The discussion allowed for the identification of key areas that can still be improved in the organization of teaching at the Faculty of Chemistry.

The seminar provided a lot of inspiration and opened the door for further actions to improve educational methods and the academic environment.

We would like to thank all participants for their active participation and inspiring exchange of ideas!