dr inż. Ewa Sieńkowska-Zyskowska | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-02-08

dr inż. Ewa Sieńkowska-Zyskowska

Gałązka oliwna na krzyżu

We inform you that on 07.02.2020, Dr Ewa Sieńkowska-Zyskowska, a leading specialist in elementary analysis, co-founder of TLHS technology, an employee of the Faculty, then of the Department of Analytical Chemistry in the years 1967-2001, died. She graduated from the Faculty in 1962 (27 X, specialization Light Organic Synthesis). The doctorate under the direction of the then Associate Professor Edmund Kozłowski was defended on 08 VII 1975. The subject of her work was "Method of simultaneous determination of coal, hydrogen and chlorine by ignition mineralization technique". Honor to her memory!