• 2020 – International Accreditation ECTN (European Chemistry Thematic Network) for the field of Chemistry; the visit of the ECTN accreditation committee team took place on October 17, 2019, and on January 20, 2020 the relevant certificates were signed by the chairman of the ECTN Association and the head of the ECTN Accreditation Commission. Electronic version of certificates for three degrees of education: engineering (Chemistry Eurobachelor®), master's (Chemistry Euromaster®) and doctoral (Chemistry Doctorate Eurolabel®).
  • 2019 – The Chemical Faculty received a distinction awarded for its commitment and special contribution to the implementation of professional internships for students under the project "Gdańsk as a Professionals' City - Improving the quality of vocational education" ("Gdańsk Miastem Zawodowców – podniesienie jakości edukacji zawodowej"). The project is implemented as part of the Regional Operational Program in 2014-2020.
  • 2018 – Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences received the "Studies with the Future" ("Studia z Przyszłością") certificate in the third edition of the National Program for Accreditation of the "Studies with the Future" in 2018.
  • 2017 – Our bilingual line of studies, Green Technologies and Monitoring (Ist level) was granted the title "Studies with Prospects" in the 2nd edition of All-Poland Accreditation of the Lines of Studies Programmes “Studies with Prospects” in 2017.
  • 2016 – Our line of studies, Building Chemistry (Ist level) was granted the title “Studies with Prospects” in the Ist Edition of All-Poland Accreditation of the Lines of Studies Programme “Studies with Prospects” in 2016.Our faculty was also honoured with the title “The best line of Studies” in 2012 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, for our Chemistry (Ist degree) line of studies after its accreditation by the Polish Accreditation Committee with Outstanding Grade.

    Quite recently our inter-faculty line of studies Material Engineering (together with the Mechanical Faculty and the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics) received positive accreditation by Polish Accreditation Committee. All quality measures were evaluated as met in full.
  • 2016 – We have pleasure and satisfaction to inform that the accreditation procedure we were subject to on 26-27th of January 2015, led the Accreditation Committee for the Technical Schools (KAUT) to grant accreditation for our line of studies Biotechnology (both levels) for 5 years. At the same time accreditation was granted by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), for the same period and both levels of Biotechnology. Suitable certificates may be found beneath. This type of accreditation is known as EUR-ACE, and the alumni may claim they are „EUR-ACE® Bachelor” or „EUR-ACE® Master”, respectively.