Short CV

Petko Petkov

Petko Petkov was born in September 1980 in Bulgaria. In 1998 he entered in Faculty of Chemistry at University of Sofia and in 2002 graduated as a bachelor in Chemistry. Two years later he finished his master in Theoretical and computational chemistry. His master diploma thesis was awarded as the best diploma thesis in Bulgaria for 2003. In the period 2004-2009 he did his PhD in University of Sofia in a collaboration with the group of prof. Notker Roesch from TU-Munich in Germany. After his PhD defense in 2009 he started working as an assistant at Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy in University of Sofia. He had postdoc specialization in two universities 2014-2016 in School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen and 2016-1017 in the Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institute for physical and theoretical chemistry in University of Leipzig in Germany. After two successful postdocs, in January 2018 he was promoted as an associate professor at the University of Sofia, in the filed of theoretical and computational chemistry.

His scientific interests are in the field of computational chemistry and include mainly study of structure and proerties of small metal clusters, Structure and properties of porous materials like zeolites and metal-organic frameworks and new materials using methods based on density functional calculations. More information can be found on his Researchgate profile: