
The possibility of implementing collaborative projects related to structural biology, designing new active molecules, studying the mechanisms of protein action or determining the molecular properties of molecular targets for drugs.



The laboratory is equipped with several high-class PCs with MOE and BIOVIA molecular modeling software. This software can be used for interactive work. In addition, the laboratory has access to the computational resources of the TASK Information Center, where academic software for molecular modeling and molecular dynamics can be used.


Terms of use/cooperation

Due to the fact that the MOE and BIOVIA software is covered by an academic license, we cannot offer its use on a commercial basis. However, scientific cooperation with our laboratory is possible, leading to the implementation of a joint project and publication of the results.



People interested in the joint implementation of joint research in the field of molecular modeling are asked to report by e-mail to the research supervisor of the laboratory, Prof. Maciej Bagiński ( Please also send a copy of e-mail to