
Performing NMR measurements, one-dimensional and two-dimensional homo and hetero correlation spectra.



The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory is equipped with the following spectrometers:

Varian Unity Inova 500 (500 MHz) equipped with:

  • two equivalent measurement channels with generators for shaping the envelope of pulses,
  • 5 mm PFG probe for indirect 1H / (15N-31P) detection,
  • 10 mm broadband probe (15N-31P),
  • temperature accessories (-150 to +200 °C),
  • PFG adapter that allows you to make spectra using the magnetic field pulse method, which usually reduces measurement of two-dimensional experiments many times over and ensures more effective elimination of unwanted signals

Varian Gemini 2000 (200 MHz) with 5 mm probe for 1H and 13C


Terms of use / cooperation

Only qualified users have independent access to the spectrometers. Otherwise, staying in the laboratory is only possible in the presence of the operator. It is possible to perform and obtain only measurement data (only for a fee) or complete interpretation of measurement data (for a fee or as part of scientific cooperation).

Price list



Persons interested in carrying out measurements and establishing the rules of cooperation are asked to report by e-mail to the qualified employees, listed as contact persons. Please also send a copy of e-mail to

Contact persons

PhD Paweł Sowiński (
PhD Katarzyna Szwarc-Karabyka (
MS Olga Ciupak (
