
  • 2024-04-29

    15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis

    Dear Colleagues,  we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (CCTA15), to be held between 8 - 12 September 2024 in Zakopane, Poland.  The conference and accommodation will be at the Conference Recreation Center “Hyrny”. The event is organized jointly by the Faculty of Chemistry of Gdańsk University of Technology, the Polish...

  • 2024-03-06

    Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications

    The Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications Program is a part of the implementation of IDUB project tasks in the scope of increasing the quality level of scientific activity at university within the action I.4 (Activities for increasing the number of publications in prestigious journals and publishing houses). Funds in the program are  intended to finance fees for the publication of...

  • 2024-01-24

    Our success in the WEAVE - UNISONO competition financed by National Science Center

    In the years 2024-2026, our Faculty will implement an international project entitled "Sustainable polyurethanes "from the cradle to the grave" using enzymes" co-financed by National Science Center. The project manager is Professor Janusz Datta, and the funding amount is 1 077 200 PLN. The project was prepared at the Department of Polymer Technology with the participation of Paulina...

  • 2024-01-23

    Mission NASA ASIA-AQ

    Dr. Wojciech Wojnowski from the Department of Analytical Chemistry will participate in the NASA ASIA-AQ (Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality) mission. Its aim is to study the air quality above the major urban areas of East and Southeast Asia. The task of Dr. Wojnowski will be to monitor the concentration of VOCs and PAHs in the troposphere. He will operate two purpose-built...

  • 2023-11-30

    Our successes in the National Science Center competitions OPUS 25 and PRELUDIUM!

    As many as three projects will be implemented at our Faculty thanks to funding under the OPUS 25 competition. These are: “Compounds modulating the functions of telomeric proteins TRF1 and TRF2”, project leader: prof. Maciej Bagiński, co-financing amount PLN 2,813,440.00; “New monovalent and multivalent recombinant proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato as potential antigens for...

  • 2023-11-29

    The 24th OPUS competition of the National Science Center has been decided!

    Within the OPUS 24+LAP competition, the National Science Center provided funding for the project led by Adam Macierzanka, PhD, DSc, Eng., university professor. The research project entitled "Digestion of human milk in relation to prematurely born infants" will be carried out at the Gdańsk Tech Faculty of Chemistry by an inter-departmental team (Department of Colloid and Lipid Technology,...

  • 2023-09-25

    Call for applications for Individual Research Studies and under the RADIUM program

    Individual Research Studies (IRS or ISB - in polish) create individual educational paths for the most talented second-level students in connection with their research as part of research projects.  Within the RADIUM Program, it is possible to obtain a university grant intended to finance the costs of scientific research conducted by second degree students within Individual Research...

  • 2023-08-30

    Participation of Polish chemists in ERC grants - Dr. David Krása

    We encourage you to watch the recording of the faculty seminar from July 6, 2023. The topic of the speech by Dr. David Krasa (head of the unit responsible for assessing ERC grant applications in the area of ​​chemistry) was the presentation of ERC grants with particular emphasis on the success rates of Polish chemists. During his speech, Dr. Krasa gave some valuable tips for those applying...