Date added: 2024-03-06
Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications

The Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications Program is a part of the implementation of IDUB project tasks in the scope of increasing the quality level of scientific activity at university within the action I.4 (Activities for increasing the number of publications in prestigious journals and publishing houses). Funds in the program are intended to finance fees for the publication of articles in Open Access format in journals and publishers (including the so-called Data Journal for Open Research Data).
What can be gained?
Scientific publications in Open Access format usually require payment of the so-called APC (Article Processing Charges). Thanks to Oxygenium program, the authors gain financial support to cover such a fee.
Conditions of participation in the program
- Funds under the OXYGENIUM program are intended to finance additional fees for the publication of articles in journals indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science, located in the Q1 or Q2 quartile and with a score of at least 140 points on the current ministerial list, in publishers offering the possibility of publishing in the OPEN ACCESS formula, both in hybrid journals and using the GOLD OPEN ACCESS formula.
- In 2024, all Gdańsk Tech employees whose output will be counted in the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity for 2022-2025 can apply for obtaining funding under the Program.
- Support under the OXYGENIUM Program does not apply to the publication of articles whose publication in the OPEN ACCESS formula can be fully funded by national and consortium programs listed on the PG Library website or from the indirect costs of an NCN grant. Funding does not apply also to articles in journals published by publishers that use the OPEN ACCESS business model (BioMed Central, Copernicus Publications, Dove Medical Press, Frontiers, Hindawi, MDPI, Open Library of Humanities, PLOS).
How to apply?
- An application for APC fee funding for Open Access in the Oxygenium program should include:
- the names of the authors, including the corresponding author,
- title of the article, title of the journal in which the article will be published together with the number of points of this journal according to MNSW list,
- copy of confirmation of acceptance for publication, together with information from the publisher about the Open Access fee.
instructions for submitting applications
Deans are required to submit electronically quarterly reports on the use of OXYGENIUM funds to the Vice-Rector for Science by March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2024, respectively.
An applicant who has received OPEN ACCESS fee funding for a scholarly publication in the OXYGENIUM program is required to make that publication available in the university's MOST Wiedzy repository.