Winners of the OPUS 23, PRELUDIUM 21 and POLONEZ BIS 2 competitions | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-12-07

Winners of the OPUS 23, PRELUDIUM 21 and POLONEZ BIS 2 competitions

Logotype of National Science Center
On December 6th the results of the OPUS 23, PRELUDIUM 21 and POLONEZ BIS 2 calls for proposals have been announced (those submitted in June 2022). During this edition the National Science Center received 4,299 proposals with a total value of over 3 billion PLN.

After a two-stage expert's assessments 576 applications with a value of almost 491 million PLN have been finally qualified for funding. Based on the above, the numerical success rate is 13.4%.

The ranking list is available on website:

The winners at the Faculty of Chemistry:

  • PRELUDIUM 21 - MSc, Eng. Karolina Pełka, supervisor: PhD, DSc, Eng. Piotr Szweda (Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry)
    project subject: „Antiviral potential and human cell-protective activity of bee bread derived from Polish apiaries”
    project value: PLN 139 931,00
  • OPUS 23 - PhD, DSc, Eng. Iwona Gabriel (Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry)
    project subject: „Yeast DNA topoisomerase II as a model molecular target for novel antifungal compounds”
    project value: PLN 1 610 400,00
