Date added: 2023-06-13
Winner of the Best Scientific Poster Competition

Eng. Denys Suprun, a 3rd semester master’s degree student of Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry, is the winner of the Competition for the Best Scientific Poster at the 8th Scientific Conference "Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective". The competition is organized by the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute of Energy Policy and the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology. Mr. Denys presented a scientific poster entitled “Synthesis and properties of catalysts based on renewable raw materials for hydrogen production”, which is directly related to the topic of his master's thesis, carried out under Dr. Natalia Lukasik’s supervision in the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials.
The poster session is an integral part of the 8th Scientific Conference 'Energy Security – Pillars and Prospects for Development' and consists of the presentation of the most important theses, conclusions, research results or analyses concerning the conference topic. Poster presentations allow for an exchange of views, thoughts, and results with other participants and the audience.
The competition has 3 stages:
- Stage I – formal evaluation of the submitted posters,
- Stage II – Jury's discussion with the authors of posters, during the authors had an opportunity to present their posters and answer questions from the Conference participants;
- Stage III – evaluation of the posters selected in Stage II and an additional Jury conversation with the authors of the posters.
For winning first place, Mr. Suprun received the main prize of PLN 1500, the opportunity to present a poster at the 8th Scientific Conference "Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective”.
Students scholarship (DoECaS)