
  • 2023-03-01

    How to deal with stress? Sign up for classes

    We invite students of Gdańsk University of Technology to participate in seminars on coping with stressful situations organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project. Registration for meetings lasts until March 27th. The number of places is limited. In mid-September 2022, the "Hey, are you OK?" project was launched at Gdańsk University of Technology. The main goal of it is to support the...

  • 2023-02-28

    Award and recognition for the students of our faculty for their research project

    The research projects, carried out in the period between February 2022 – January 2023 at the Faculty of Chemistry by the students of the second degree studies of the inter-faculty Biomedical Engineering, specialty Chemistry in medicine, were highly rated in the competition for the best research project. Commission: Vice-Rector of Education Ph.D., D.Sc. Mariusz Kaczmarek, prof. Gdańsk Tech...

  • 2023-02-22

    Scholarship recipient of the first edition of H2 Academy organized by PKN ORLEN

    Eng. Denys Suprun, a 2nd-semester master's degree student of Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry, has qualified to participate in the first edition of the H2 Academy organized by PKN Orlen in cooperation with TOYOTA, PESA, KEZO Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as Warsaw University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology and Gdansk University of...

  • 2023-02-16

    Results of the Radon Supporting Most Talented Students competition (3rd edition)

    Based on the ranking list of evaluated applications presented by the Evaluation Committee in 3rd RADON edition, the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology awarded 13 RADON scholarships to students who scored minimum 196 points. The scholarships were granted in the amount of PLN 1000 per month for 12 months, i.e. from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023. The Radon Supporting Most...

  • 2023-01-21

    New hybrid building materials that will revolutionize the building market

    MSc. Izabela Malinowska, Ph.D. student in the Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Anna Zielińska-Jurek developed synthesis method of trifunctional composite with photocatalytic, magnetic and biocidal properties for the production of protective coatings e.g., paints and plasters. The obtained bio-photo-magnetic...

  • 2023-01-16

    ENHANCE invites - winter school on gender and diversity in science

    ENHANCE Alliance of which Gdańsk Tech is a member, invites students to participate in the winter school on “Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society” (held on-site and online in February and April). The deadline for registration is January 27th. Winter school of ENHANCE on “Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society” is part of ENHANCE's offer. The...

  • 2022-12-16

    Monika Śmiełowska, PhD, Eng., is the winner of the Prime Minister's Award!

    Our graduate - Mrs. Monika Śmiełowska, PhD, DSc, was granted the Prime Minister's Award for an outstanding doctoral dissertation. Monika Śmiełowska completed her doctoral thesis at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. The thesis was entitled: "New solutions in the analytics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) for samples with a complex matrix composition". The defense of the...

  • 2022-12-14

    Café Lingua Christmas Karaoke Night!

    Dear Students, save the date for the Café Lingua Christmas Karaoke Night! Let’s sing together on Wednesday 18.00 – 20.00 in the Sports Pub! Date: 14.12.2022 Place: Sports Pub (street: Księdza Leona Miszewskiego 12, Gdańsk)