
  • 2021-06-21

    Master's degree (MSc) exams

    Dear Students, I would like to remind you that students of the 3rd semester of second-cycle (MSc) studies are required to submit their master's theses together with the relevant documents by 30 September 2021. Master's diploma exams take place within two months from the date of submitting the diploma thesis. I would like to inform you that this academic year the "first round" of MSc...

  • 2021-04-26

    Student and doctoral id cards validity

    On 19th October 2020, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education again introduced restrictions on conducting education at universities. Student and doctoral ID cards remain valid during the period of any disturbance in the normal operations of our university and 60 days after the limitations have been ceased. Therefore, students are not required to extend the validity of their ID cards...