News | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • 2024-05-22

    Jan Alfuth and Szymon Dudziak are among the winners of the FPS START Program

    Annual scholarships for outstanding young scientists who are at the beginning of their scientific careers and have already documented outstanding achievements in their field of research were awarded as part of the 32nd edition of the competition. Among the 100 laureates there are two scientists from our Faculty: Jan Alfuth, PhD, Eng., and Szymon Dudziak, MSc, Eng. The aim of the Program is to...

  • 2024-05-17

    Victory of DreamTeam - the sports team of the Faculty of Chemistry

    On 15 May 2024, as part of the Sports Day celebration at Gdańsk University of Technology, sports competitions were held. Nine five-person teams representing individual faculties and central units took part in the interfaculty competition. The Faculty of Chemistry was represented by Marek Tobiszewski (representative of the dean's college), Radosław Pomećko (representative of teaching staff),...

  • 2024-04-29

    15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis

    Dear Colleagues,  we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 15th Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (CCTA15), to be held between 8 - 12 September 2024 in Zakopane, Poland.  The conference and accommodation will be at the Conference Recreation Center “Hyrny”. The event is organized jointly by the Faculty of Chemistry of Gdańsk University of Technology, the Polish...

  • 2024-04-15

    The Chemical Auditorium named after Professor Jacek Namieśnik

    The ceremony of naming the Chemical Auditorium after Professor Jacek Namieśnik took place on 12 April 2024. During the ceremony, the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, prof. Krzysztof Wilde, PhD Eng., corresponding member of the PAS gave his speech, and the laudation was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, prof. Agata Kot-Wasik, PhD, Eng. After the ceremonial...

  • 2024-03-25

    AGATHONS – awards gala for outstanding employees of the Faculty

    On 22 March 2024, the AGATHONY ceremony was held, dedicated to rewarding people who have made outstanding contributions to the Faculty of Chemistry. The gala was hosted by: Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Agata Kot-Wasik, and Vice-Dean for Science Marek Tobiszewski and Urszula Kampowska as presenters. "The only way to know where the limits of our possibilities are is to push the...

  • 2024-03-11

    Industrial doctorates prepared in cooperation with ORLEN S.A.

    On 28 February a ceremonial meeting of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology was held in the Gdańsk University of Technology auditorium on the occasion of academic promotions. During the event, the university's rector, prof. Krzysztof Wilde accepted as titular professors of Gdańsk University of Technology professors of the university who received the academic title of professor in...

  • 2024-03-06

    Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications

    The Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications Program is a part of the implementation of IDUB project tasks in the scope of increasing the quality level of scientific activity at university within the action I.4 (Activities for increasing the number of publications in prestigious journals and publishing houses). Funds in the program are  intended to finance fees for the publication of...

  • 2024-01-24

    Our success in the WEAVE - UNISONO competition financed by National Science Center

    In the years 2024-2026, our Faculty will implement an international project entitled "Sustainable polyurethanes "from the cradle to the grave" using enzymes" co-financed by National Science Center. The project manager is Professor Janusz Datta, and the funding amount is 1 077 200 PLN. The project was prepared at the Department of Polymer Technology with the participation of Paulina...