Seminarium wydziałowe "Participation of Polish chemists in ERC grants" | Wydział Chemiczny Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Seminarium wydziałowe "Participation of Polish chemists in ERC grants"

6 Lipiec 2023 13:15

Dnia 06.07.2023 o godzinie 13:15 w Audytorium 1.4 odbędzie się seminarium wydziałowe. W ramach seminarium wydziałowego wystąpienie wygłosi przedstawiciel European Research Council (ERC) Executive Agency dr David Krása.

Temat wystąpienia to "Participation of Polish chemists in ERC grants"


The presentation will review the participation and success rate of Polish chemists in ERC-funded calls for proposals since its inception. Potential strategies for increasing participation and success will be discussed. The Work of the ERC Scientific Council’s Working Group on Widening European Participation will be laid out and information on the ERC Visiting Research Fellowship and ERC Mentoring Initiative will be given.


Dr. David Krása is Head of Sector for Chemistry, Earth and Universe Sciences within the Scientific Management Department of the European Research Council Executive Agency. Before becoming Head of Sector, David was acting as panel coordinator for a variety of ERC evaluation panels in the domains of “Physical Sciences and Engineering” and “Life Sciences”. As part of his activities, he is Deputy Business Process Owner for proposal submission and evaluation and in charge of the related IT system specifications.

Before starting to work for the ERC in 2009, David studied geophysics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (LMU, Germany) and was working as a researcher in geophysics at the LMU, the University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA), and as a Royal Society of Edinburgh BP trust research fellow at the University of Edinburgh (UK).

Adres wydarzenia

Audytorium 1.4, Chemia C