Seminarium wydziałowe "Multiscale computational approaches towards the understanding of materials" | Wydział Chemiczny Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Seminarium wydziałowe "Multiscale computational approaches towards the understanding of materials"

6 Wrzesień 2023 11:15

Dnia 6 września 2023 w Audytorium 1.4. (Chemia C) o godzinie 11:15 odbędzie się seminarium wydziałowe, podczas którego wystąpienie wygłosi prof. José R. B. Gomes. Wystąpienie jest zatytułowane "Multiscale computational approaches towards the understanding of materials".

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Nota Biograficzna Prelegenta:

José R. B. Gomes (JRBG) is a Principal Researcher (Investigador FCT) at CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro, Portugal, where he coordinates the Computing and Modeling research line. His interests include computational studies of the adsorption and reaction of molecules at interfaces, and of the structural and spectroscopic properties of molecular systems.

JRBG was the recipient of the Vicente de Seabra medal (2010) from the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ) for the high-quality, originality and autonomy of his scientific research.

JRBG graduated in Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences University of Porto (FCUP) in 1995 and received the Teresa da Fonseca and the Mendonça Monteiro awards.

Also at FCUP, JRBG completed a PhD degree in Chemistry in 2000 (Thesis: Chemical Processes on Interfaces; Supervisor: Prof. J.A.N.F. Gomes) with 10 papers published from PhD work.

Since his integration in CICECO/Univ. Aveiro in Dec.2007, JRBG launched his own group, now comprising 4 post-doctoral fellows (+2 visitors), 1 researcher holding M.Sc. degree (more details @, 1 PhD & 2 bachelor students. JRBG completed supervision of 6 post-doc, 5 MSc researchers, 3 PhD and a few undergraduate students, and hosted in his group 3 Ph.D. students and 1 post-doc fellow for complementing their experiments with calculations.

JRBG is currently leading projects SELMA-Unveiling the self-healing mechanisms associated with smart nanocontainers (PTDC/QEQ-QFI/4719/2014) and SILVIA-Modeling the synthesis of SILica materials VIA multiscale computer simulations (PTDC/QUI-QFI/31002/2017), and is the co-principal investigator of DataCor-Smart Data to Design Corrosion Inhibitors (PTDC/QUI-QFI/30256/2017). JRBG participates in several projects as team member and was principal investigator of projects SILICAT, PTDC/QUI-QUI/109914/2009, Feb.2011-Jan.2014, & CODECAT, PTDC/QUI-QUI/117439/2010, Feb.2012-Jan.2015.

JRBG published ca. 220 ISI papers (h-index=39) in the field of computational chemistry, including articles in top journals in the Chemical & Materials Sciences such as Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Catal., Chem. Mater., & J. Am. Chem. Soc., co-authored 8 book chapters and was invited to give ca. 25 talks (including 2 plenary lectures) at conferences.

JRBG guest-edited two special issues of the scientific journals Theochem (Elsevier) and Catalysts (MDPI), and is an editorial board member of 3 international scientific journals and, since 2016, is an Associate Editor of RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry).

Adres wydarzenia

Audytorium 1.4, Chemia C