Wishes on the Chemist's Day | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-04

Wishes on the Chemist's Day

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Dear All!

In connection with the Chemist's Day, which will be held on Sunday, June 6, this year, I wish you the best. First of all, I wish you good health and cheerfulness. 
In relation to what has actually happen in life, I only wish both the user and myself to return (at least in part) to meetings that build friendly relations, needed to overcome communication in interpersonal communication.

May we have time for ourselves, our employees, friends, as well as for my friends and colleagues. May I come back from work to greet a friend or friend with a "closed hand" or simply by presenting myself.

Let the facial masks that hide our faces disappear, let be together again and let us be as we used to.

On the occasion of our common holiday, as a gift, send a link to the latest, May issue of the "Chemical Industry" magazine (in the Flipbook version): https://online.flippingbook.com/view/160225009. I encourage you to have a look at the same (the link will be active until June 16, 21, you can copy the notebook to hard and static drives). I also invite you to the website of the Main Board of SITPChem: www.sitpchem.org.pl.

Jerzy Klimczak
President of the Main Board