The Ventus competition in the Redivivus area has been resolved | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-09-13

The Ventus competition in the Redivivus area has been resolved

Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus

Our big success!

Almost PLN 3 million was awarded in the first edition of the Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus program in the REDIVIVUS area, which is an element of supporting the implementation of the tasks of the IDUB program in the field of research and implementation activities.

According to the rules of the competition, the maximum amount of co-financing for a project financed from the program is PLN 1,000,000 gross, and the project implementation period cannot be longer than 24 months.

Financing was awarded to a project from our Faculty: "Recycling technology of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules", whose author is prof. dr hab. Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska, and the allocated funds amount to PLN 950,750.

The research and implementation project "Recycling technology of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules" involves the performance of pre-implementation works aimed at starting the industrial process of recycling photovoltaic modules manufactured on the basis of mono- and polycrystalline silicon cells based on research carried out on a laboratory scale at the stage of work on the patented invention. The subject of the project covers technologies of key importance for the economy: circular economy in the field of renewable energy conversion equipment (recycling of photovoltaic modules). The main goal of recycling photovoltaic modules is to reduce the amount of waste, and to reduce the consumption of valuable materials and energy in further production processes.

As part of the first edition of the competition in the Redivivus area, funding was also given to the following projects: "Circular economy for wind turbine blades: developing a management system for the structural and architectural reuse of multicomposite material", project manager: prof. dr hab. Eng. Magdalena Rucka (WILiŚ) and "Bio & EnergyRecovery system for sustainable energy and product recovery at small wastewater treatment plants (S-WWTPs)", led by Dr. hab. Eng. Jan Wajs (WIMiO).

Congratulations to the winners!