We received the A+ category for both disciplines | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-01-18

We received the A+ category for both disciplines

grafika tematyczna
The results of the evaluation of scientific units, i.e. the assessment of the quality of their scientific activity, have been announced.

We received the A+ category for both disciplines: chemical sciences and chemical engineering.

The received categories are a spectacular success for all employees of the Faculty, which is why I would like to thank you and congratulate you. Thank you for your scientific activity – it's wonderful that it has been highly appreciated. Thank you for the commissioned research and cooperation with the economic environment – it is a very important element of our activity, demanding and absorbing – I am glad that this element was highly appreciated. Thank you for all kinds of implemented projects – they also contributed to our common success.

I wish all of us further dynamic development.

Dean with the Dean's college