Award of the Minister of Education and Science for prof. Darowicki’s team | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-02-22

Award of the Minister of Education and Science for prof. Darowicki’s team

Photo from Gala of Polish Science
Award of the Minister of Education and Science in the category: Significant achievements in the field of implementation activities for the team led by Professor Kazimierz Darowicki

On 9 February 2023, the Gala of Polish Science was held at the Jordanki Concert Hall in Toruń, during which, on the first day of the World Copernican Congress, the Minister of Education and Science presented awards to outstanding researchers representing various fields of science. The laureates were honored for merits in five categories: for significant achievements in the field of scientific, didactic, implementation, organizational and overall achievements.

In 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science received 122 applications for awards. Applications were assessed by an advisory board consisting of 13 representatives of the academic community from various fields of science or art. The Minister of Education and Science awarded 66 prizes.

In the category: Significant achievements in the field of implementation activities, 11 individual and team awards were granted to 43 people. Achievements in the following areas were awarded:

  • practical use of the results of scientific research or development work, in particular in industrial, scientific or commercial activities,
  • commercialization of the results of scientific activities and know-how related to these results,
  • implementation of an original design, technological or artistic achievement.

In this category, the prize was awarded to the team: prof. Kazimierz Darowicki, PhD, DSc, Eng., Juliusz Orlikowski, PhD, DSc, Eng.,  Grzegorz Lentke, PhD, DSc, Eng. from Gdańsk University of Technology and Iwona Łuksa, Eng. and Radosław Gospoś, Eng.

Another award in this category was also awarded to Prof. Magdalena Gajewska from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, who carried out research in a team led by prof. Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin.

In the category: Total achievements, 14 individual awards were granted. The statuette in this category was received by prof. Maria Jolanta Szpakowska, PhD, DSc, Eng.

Congratulations to all the award winners!