Date added: 2023-07-03
Chem-In – Faculty of Chemistry for industry

On June 29, 2023, we hosted at the Faculty of Chemistry graduates of the Gdańsk University of Technology, who form the elite club PKB+, i.e. the Polytechnic Business Club+.
The club was established in 2001 to present the professional activities of its members and to support entrepreneurship and market economy. Our graduates (i.e. graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry) also belong to this club.
The purpose of the meeting was to present to a wide group of company representatives (,Firmy-czlonkow-PKB--,pid,28.html) the achievements of the Faculty of Chemistry, which show the cooperation of our science with industry, as well as establishing new, or renewing old relationships.
It was an excellent opportunity to expand our contacts. In addition to people participating in the meeting on site, many people from our department also participated online.
Students scholarship (DoECaS)