Date added: 2023-07-05
Ranking of Universities Perspektywy 2023 - our field of study Chemical technology in the first place!
The Ranking of Academic Universities includes 30 indicators grouped into seven criteria: Prestige, Graduates on the labor market, Scientific potential, Innovation, Scientific effectiveness, Educational conditions and Internationalization. The ranking of academic universities is dominated by criteria related to research aspects.
The Perspektywy University Ranking consists of four mutually complementary rankings:
- Ranking of Academic Universities including all (except for arts) higher education institutions in the country with at least the right to confer doctoral degrees;
- Ranking of Non-Public Universities including universities educating at least at the Master's level;
- Ranking of Public Academies of Social Sciences and Vocational Universities
- Ranking of Fields of Study, covering this year as many as 74 main fields of study or groups of fields of study at academic universities.
In the Ranking of Universities, the University of Technology is still in third place in the classification of technical universities, and in the general classification it maintained its high sixth place.
Our Faculty was very successful in the Ranking of Study Fields: the field of Chemical Technology was ranked first among all universities in Poland.
Our other faculties also ranked high: Biotechnology (2nd cycle studies, 2nd place) and Chemistry (3rd place).
On Thursday, 29 June, in the Lecture Hall at Krakowskie Przedmieście 66 in Warsaw, a ceremony of handing-in diplomas to the awarded universities took place.
PhD student scholarship - 2 (DoPTaB)
PhD student scholarship - 1 (DoPTaB)
The BioLAB Program 2025-26
3.7 million euros for research projects