Christmas wishes | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-12-22

Christmas wishes

grafika tematyczna

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear All

We wish you wonderful moments and hope that does not fade away, love in every amount and desires that come true. Smile... a lot, often and for no reason.

We wish you a lot of satisfaction from learning, developing your talents, acquiring knowledge, sharing skills and continuous self-education.

We also wish you all excellent student surveys, good organization at work and personal life, as well as time to study the wonders of the world during amazing journeys. May we never run out of energy (not only from the Sun) and the warmth we all need.

We wish you an opportunity for cooperation and motivation for satisfactory development!

We wish you constant inquisitiveness in your scientific work, so that each of you can boast of an achievement of which you will be particularly proud.

All the best

wishes the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, prof. Agata Kot-Wasik together with the Dean's College