Date added: 2024-03-11
Industrial doctorates prepared in cooperation with ORLEN S.A.
On 28 February a ceremonial meeting of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology was held in the Gdańsk University of Technology auditorium on the occasion of academic promotions. During the event, the university's rector, prof. Krzysztof Wilde accepted as titular professors of Gdańsk University of Technology professors of the university who received the academic title of professor in 2023, and also solemnly presented promotions to the degrees of habilitated doctor and doctor as well as the "Diploma of the Year" awards.
Doctoral students from the Faculty of Chemistry constituted a large group of 22 people. Among them, Radosław Gospoś and Tomasz Olczak were accepted as doctors. They completed their industrial doctorates at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Department of Electrochemistry, Corrosion and Materials Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology as part of the second edition of the "Industrial Doctorate" program announced in 2018 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education . Both industrial doctorates were carried out in cooperation with ORLEN.
Tomasz Olczak is the director of the ORLEN Technology and Efficiency Office, the author of the doctoral thesis "The use of optimization algorithms in the estimation of the corrosive aggressiveness of crude oil", supervised by Artur Zieliński, PhD, DSc, Eng., professor at Gdańsk University of Technology.
Radosław Gospoś is an expert at the Office of Research and Development of Petrochemistry and Refinery of the Future, the author of a doctoral thesis entitled "Diagnostics and monitoring of the corrosion risk caused by hydrogen in the catalytic cracking installation", supervised by prof. Kazimierz Darowicki, PhD, DSc, Eng.
The processes developed in these studies are implemented on installations at the ORLEN Production Plant in Płock, which will contribute to increasing process safety, extending the life of industrial installations and reducing the frequency of potential failures.
You can watch the broadcast of academic promotions by clicking here.
Currently, 10 implementation doctorates are being carried out at the Faculty of Chemistry in cooperation with ORLEN S.A.
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