Aktualności | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Hydrogen Technologies Center

It is the first unit of this type in Poland to offer research services related to hydrogen. It concentrates on competences in the field of processing, storing and combustion of hydrogen as well as processing energy obtained in fuel cells.

The Center is a unit dedicated to cooperation with the industry, including the practical application of scientific achievements, and deals with comprehensive service of hydrogen projects (from the concept phase, through design solutions, modeling the manufacturing process as well as diagnostics and maintenance of the developed solutions), as well as the development and maintenance of existing technologies using hydrogen.

Projects of Faculty of Chemistry researchers obtain funding from the National Science Center

National Science Center logotype
Six scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology received funding for the implementation of research projects under the OPUS and PRELUDIUM BIS competitions of the National Science Center. The funds granted to Gdańsk Tech amount to over PLN 6.21 million.

Below we present the projects carried out by researchers from Faculty of Chemistry, which received funding:

International cooperation

Considering the importance of internationalization of the Chemistry Faculty, we have established scientific and didactic cooperation with foreign universities, especially from Europe and Asia. Through joint application for research grants, student and faculty exchanges, the quality of research and education at the Faculty can be continuously improved.


The scope of the department's administration includes, among other things:

  1. preparation, administrative support and implementation of decisions of the faculty and faculty council
  2. administrative support for employee matters, including personnel and payroll, directed to the University's personnel and payroll departments
  3. preparing, documenting and maintaining the financial management of the faculty;
  4. revenue and expense records and analysis;
  5. handling public procurement procedures;
  6. administrative support
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