Human Milk Lipidomic Analysis Workshop (12th September 2024) | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-08-12

Human Milk Lipidomic Analysis Workshop (12th September 2024)

Human Milk Lipidomic Analysis Workshop Invitation

Human milk lipids analysis: methodology of sampling, storage, isolation and determination.

The goal of this workshop is training (theoretical and practical) for students and Early Career Researchers interested in human milk lipids and various techniques to their isolation and determination.Practical: face-to-face workshop (max. 15, registration by order of applications).
Main topics:

  • the importance and procedures used in Human Milk Banks,
  • the composition, importance and digestion of human milk lipids,
  • the influence of the method of storage and the applied isolation methodology on the results of lipidomic analyses.

Participation is FREE of charge (registration is mandatory).

Invited speakers and teachers Workshop program

More information and Registration