News | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • 2021-04-15

    Professor Wanda Szczepuła is the patron of the new Gdańsk tram

    Another Gdańsk tram is named after a scientist from Gdańsk University of Technology. The patron of the new vehicle is Professor Wanda Szczepuła, a microbiologist and the first woman in the history of Gdańsk University of Technology with the title of professor. Another Gdańsk tram is named after a scientist from Gdańsk University of Technology. The patron of the new vehicle is Professor...

  • 2021-03-19

    PG was classified in the discipline of Chemistry for the first time

    In this year's edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021, Gdańsk University of Technology was classified in two disciplines out of five broad scientific areas: Chemistry and Engineering - Electrical & Electronic. The authors of the ranking analyzed over 3 800 study programs at over 1 440 universities. They considered among others opinions about the universities in the...

  • 2021-03-05

    A unique platform for the production of proteins using psychrotolerant yeast

    Another license agreement was signed for an invention in the field of biotechnology created by scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology and Łódź University of Technology. It is a platform that enables the production of proteins based on the gene expression system in a selected yeast species adapted to growth at low temperatures. This unique solution can be used, among others in the...

  • 2020-12-10

    New pro-environmental chemical engineering solutions

    PhD, DSc, Eng. Grzegorz Boczkaj, professor of the university from the Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology conducts research on new solutions that fit into the idea of the so-called green chemistry - reducing the environmental impact of chemical processes. Prof. Grzegorz Boczkaj achieves the highest publication results (200 points) at the Faculty of Chemistry and is in...

  • 2020-12-10

    Winners of the Miniatura competition

    Six projects from Gdańsk University of Technology have been qualified for funding under the Miniatura 4 competition for scientific activities organized by the National Science Center. The total value of the winning projects from GUT is over PLN 240 000. Co-financing from the National Science Center will be awarded to four projects from the Faculty of Chemistry and one each from the Faculty of...

  • 2020-11-25

    Almost PLN 7 million from the NCN for the implementation of projects at GUT

    Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology will receive almost PLN 7 million (PLN 6 768 102) for the implementation of 13 projects as part of basic research. The National Science Center has just announced the results of the OPUS and PRELUDIUM competitions. Projects from Gdańsk University of Technology, co-financed under the OPUS19 competition: ‘Modeling of injuries of the...