News | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • 2021-10-13

    Protection of inventions in Poland and worldwide - JWP Foundation and Careers Office of Gdańsk Tech invite for webinar

    Date and time: 2021-10-19 | 15:00 Place: Webinar - Online For whom: We would like to invite students of polytechnic faculties, doctoral students, academic staff of universities, but also entrepreneurs and innovators from start-ups . Description: Free webinar on 19th Oct’21 for all people interested in protection of innovations not only in Poland but worldwide as well. Please...

  • 2021-09-27

    Prof. Janusz Rachoń becomes a member of the Historical and Program Board of the ESC

    Prof. Janusz Rachoń, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology in 2002-2008 and senator of the Republic of Poland of the 7th term, was appointed by Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, President of Gdańsk, to the Historical and Program Board of the European Solidarity Center for the term 2021-2025. The Historical and Program Board of the ESC appointed prof. Janusz Rachoń "with gratitude for taking up...

  • 2021-09-21

    Welcome Meeting for the newcomers

    Over 470 students from 42 countries - from Singapore, China, Russia, EU countries, the USA and Brazil - have been accepted this year to study at Gdańsk University of Technology. On Thursday, September 30th at 10:00 a.m. there will be an online Welcome Meeting for all newly admitted international students. Every year, the International Relations Office organizes an information meeting for...

  • 2021-09-14

    Research visit in the framework of the Europium Short-Term Outgoing Visits programme

    In the framework of the Europium Short-Term Outgoing Visits program, Dr Karol Parchem from the Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food received a scholarship for a 4-week research visit in the Mass Spectrometry Center of the University of Aveiro (UA) in Portugal, led by Professor Rosário Domingues. For over 25 years, the Mass Spectrometry Center UA has been conducting...

  • 2021-09-13

    Jubilee of the 90th birthday anniversary of Professor Zdzisław E. Sikorski

    On 1 - 2 July 2021, the Gdansk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) hosted the XLV Session of the Committee on Food and Nutrition Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, organized by the Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food (DChTBF) of the Faculty of Chemistry, in cooperation with the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Society of Food Technologists. The session was a...

  • 2021-08-05

    Postdoc position available at the Department of Physical Chemistry

    The Departament of Physical Chemistry at Gdansk University of Technology is seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher to work within the group of Dr. Jacek Czub on the project "Molecular mechanism of mechanochemical coupling in the ATP synthase as a conceptual framework for the development of novel antimicrobial drugs" funded by the National Science Center, Poland, within the Sonata Bis...

  • 2021-06-23

    Over one million zlotys for increasing the transfer of knowledge and technology

    Eight projects in the area of ​​increasing the transfer of knowledge and technologies dedicated to the development of new or increasing the attractiveness of existing research services provided by the Gdańsk University of Technology received funding under the Palladium Supporting New R&D Services program for a total value of over PLN 1 million. The following projects received...

  • 2021-06-21

    Master's degree (MSc) exams

    Dear Students, I would like to remind you that students of the 3rd semester of second-cycle (MSc) studies are required to submit their master's theses together with the relevant documents by 30 September 2021. Master's diploma exams take place within two months from the date of submitting the diploma thesis. I would like to inform you that this academic year the "first round" of MSc...