News | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • 2022-09-13

    The Ventus competition in the Redivivus area has been resolved

    Our big success! Almost PLN 3 million was awarded in the first edition of the Ventus Hydrogenii Redivivus program in the REDIVIVUS area, which is an element of supporting the implementation of the tasks of the IDUB program in the field of research and implementation activities. According to the rules of the competition, the maximum amount of co-financing for a project financed from the...

  • 2022-07-29

    Faculty of Chemistry with the best scientific categories!

    The results of the evaluation of scientific units, i.e. the assessment of the quality of their scientific activity, have been announced. The Faculty of Chemistry received high categories for the disciplines: in the discipline of Chemical Sciences - Category A +, in the discipline of Chemical Engineering - Category A. The received categories are a spectacular success for all employees of...

  • 2022-07-05

    Mayor of Gdańsk Fahrenheit Scholarship for International PhD Students

    Are you a PhD student conducting interdisciplinary research? Would you like to undertake a year’s internship in one of the best universities in northern Poland? This proposal is for you. The Mayor of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Fahrenheit Universities have created Fahrenheit scholarships for the best three PhD students from abroad. The Gdańsk-born world class physicist, engineer and the...

  • 2022-07-05

    Polymers – from algorithm to personalized medical therapy

    Biodegradable implant supporting treatment and disappearing from the organism. Special, multi-layered dressing, not only covering the wound, but also releasing healing substances that induce the healing effects. Tissue scaffold allowing burnt tissue to regenerate and then dissolving.  All of this is possible due to specially-designed properties of polymers, investigated by the researchers from...

  • 2022-06-08

    From waste tires to flame retardant conductive materials – project for PLN 5 million

    Researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology, supervised by Prof. Mohammad Reza Saeb, conduct research on inexpensive, fireproof and electrically conductive materials made of used car tires and carbon fillers. 3D printed thermoplastic composites can be used, among others, in electronics, automotive and construction industries. The research team from Gdańsk University of Technology are...

  • 2022-06-03

    Four awards for DPT employees at INTARG 2022

    On the 12th of May, at the International Congress Center in Katowice, the 15th jubilee International Fair of Inventions and Innovations INTARG® 2022 ended. This event is devoted to the international presentation and promotion of the potential and achievements of technological thought and science, i.e. inventions, technologies, and innovative services directed to industry. Thanks to its high...

  • 2022-05-31

    Green chemistry - a chance for alternative CO2 sequestration

    Carbon sequestration technologies are still being modified and scientists worldwide are working on improving them or introducing new ideas. While fulfilling their main function of absorbing carbon dioxide, many of the CO2 absorbents currently used have various disadvantages, and some of them, at the same time, are harmful to the natural environment. Researchers from Gdańsk University of...

  • 2022-05-26

    Probe for measuring the corrosion rate with Grand Prix INTARG 2022

    We are pleased to inform you about the award for the invention of the team of scientists from the Gdańsk Tech Faculty of Chemistry, under the supervision of prof. Kazimierz Darowicki, composed of: Juliusz Orlikowski, PhD, DSc, Eng., Grzegorz Lentka, PhD, DSc, Eng., Mateusz Cieślik, MSc, Andrzej Dul, Eng. The team was supplemented by employees of the PKN ORLEN concern, Iwona Łuksa, MSc and...