News | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • 2022-04-13

    Professor Jacek Namieśnik is the best chemist in the ranking

    We are pleased to note that, according to, Prof. Jacek Namieśnik ranks first in the ranking of the best chemists affiliated with Polish Universities. As of December 6, 2021, his H-index is 77, the number of citations is 23,822 and the number of publications is 548. The full ranking is available on the website:

  • 2022-03-15

    Structural Research Laboratories at the Faculty of Chemistry

    Structural Research Laboratories (SRL) is a new unit established within the organizational structure of the Faculty of Chemistry at the end of 2021 (ZR 79/2021 of 21/12/2021). Structural Research Laboratories operate on the basis of the equipment already working in the departments and laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry. The instruments provide essential knowledge about the structures of...

  • 2022-03-10

    Sustainable Development Goals in the scientific publications of Chemical Faculty employees

    Gdańsk University of Technology is classified in the "Timer Higher Education" ranking, which is based on the implementation of sustainable development goals. One of the evaluation criteria is the use of appropriate keywords in publications. It is worth to keep in mind these keywords during the preparation of the publications so that they coincide with the list of keywords describing the goals...

  • 2022-02-25

    In solidarity with Ukraine – donate your items

    Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office encourages staff and students to participate in the collection of items for refugees from Ukraine. In this difficult time, let us show our solidarity with the Ukrainian nation as an academic community. All the collected items will be transferred to the Students Affairs Office/Students Houses, which is preparing dormitory number 11 in Brzeźno for the...

  • 2022-02-04

    Announcement for new international students

    International Relations Office invites newly admitted international students to participate in two important events: Registration Week (February 14-18) and Welcome Meeting (February 22). In February, more than 100 international students from Europe, Asia and Africa will join the group of students at Gdańsk University of Technology. Most of them, as many as 90, are students who will come...

  • 2022-01-05

    HumMilkPres project - obtained funding in the Small Grant Scheme 2020 competition

    The research project entitled. " Storage of human milk in unfrozen state under high pressure-subzero temperature conditions – new method of preservation" received funding in the Small Grant Scheme 2020 competition, announced by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the Applied Research Programme. The Principal Investigator is...

  • 2021-12-22

    Dean's wishes for Christmas and New Year

    Ladies and Gentlemen. Unable to meet you and personally express my wishes, I pass them on in the hope that, despite the form, they will reach your hearts. {English subtitles}

  • 2021-12-21

    PV recycling

    Gdańsk University of Technology has concluded a license agreement with a company that intends to implement the developed technology of recycling silicon photovoltaic cells. The subject of the license is the technology included in the invention "Device for the recovery of silicon materials from photovoltaic cells" developed at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technology,...