Aktualności | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Scholarship recipient of the first edition of H2 Academy organized by PKN ORLEN

Łukasik, Suprun

Eng. Denys Suprun, a 2nd-semester master's degree student of Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry, has qualified to participate in the first edition of the H2 Academy organized by PKN Orlen in cooperation with TOYOTA, PESA, KEZO Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as Warsaw University of Technology, Lodz University of Technology and Gdansk University of Technology. Mr.

Award of the Minister of Education and Science for prof. Darowicki’s team

Photo from Gala of Polish Science
Award of the Minister of Education and Science in the category: Significant achievements in the field of implementation activities for the team led by Professor Kazimierz Darowicki

On 9 February 2023, the Gala of Polish Science was held at the Jordanki Concert Hall in Toruń, during which, on the first day of the World Copernican Congress, the Minister of Education and Science presented awards to outstanding researchers representing various fields of science. The laureates were honored for merits in five categories: for significant achievements in the field of scientific, didactic, implementation, organizational and overall achievements.

Results of the Radon Supporting Most Talented Students competition (3rd edition)

grafika tematyczna
Based on the ranking list of evaluated applications presented by the Evaluation Committee in 3rd RADON edition, the Rector of the Gdańsk University of Technology awarded 13 RADON scholarships to students who scored minimum 196 points. The scholarships were granted in the amount of PLN 1000 per month for 12 months, i.e. from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

The Radon Supporting Most Talented Students program is an element of the tasks of the IDUB program in the field of improving the quality of student education, in particular in the fields and disciplines related to the priority research areas (PRA) of the University. The goal may be achieved through scholarships for particularly gifted students engaging in the university's research activities.

Results of the Technetium Talent Management Grants competition (3rd edition)

Technetium Talent Management Grants
The third edition of the Technetium Talent Management Grants Program proved to be very popular as previous call for proposals. 19 winning projects received funding - for a total amount of PLN 443,389. Technetium Programe supports the activity of mentors cooperating with talented students.

The ranking list is available on website: https://pg.edu.pl/badawcza/2023-02/wyniki-iii-edycja-technetium-talent-management-grants

At the Faculty of Chemistry, funding was granted to 9 projects (almost 50% of Gdańsk Tech funding!) within the Research Centers:

New hybrid building materials that will revolutionize the building market

Izabela Malinowska, Anna Zielińska-Jurek

MSc. Izabela Malinowska, Ph.D. student in the Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Anna Zielińska-Jurek developed synthesis method of trifunctional composite with photocatalytic, magnetic and biocidal properties for the production of protective coatings e.g., paints and plasters.

Results of the Radium Learning Through Research Programs competition


Eleven creative projects designed to support particularly talented students engaging in research activities in topics related to priority research areas have received funding from the Radium Learning Through Research Programs for a total value of more than PLN 229,000. Implementation of the projects will make it possible to finance the costs of ongoing research by second-level students in Individual Research Studies.

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