South Baltic Green Decarbonization (SBDecarb)

          In the era of the current energy crisis, an energy transformation is necessary in order to make individual countries independent of energy supplies from external sources. Despite extensive efforts to delay the fuel crisis, there is a high risk that EU countries will not be able to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

Currently, biofuels are of great interest. One of their sources may be waste collected at municipal waste landfills. So far, non-recycled waste is mainly used for incineration. Despite the many advantages of using waste as an energy resource, the problem of accompanying emissions of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides remains unresolved. The search for new energy resources is of particular importance in the context of the "Hydrogen Strategy for Climate-Neutral Europe" in terms of strengthening technologies for renewable and clean hydrogen. In addition, the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement commit to making every effort to prevent an increase in global temperature. An interesting, pro-ecological alternative may be the use of waste as a source of gaseous and liquid fuels.

Therefore, the SBDecarb project aims to develop a new approach to the production and processing of biofuels as a raw material for a modern economy. This approach includes the production of gaseous and liquid fuels with the utilization of waste carbon dioxide along with fuel purification using renewable biologically active filters. The proposed approach will allow for increasing the use of green technologies for energy purposes and reducing the amount of waste in landfills in the South Baltic countries. Due to legislative differences and the degree of advancement of waste treatment technology, cooperation at the international level is necessary. The SBDecarb project provides a platform for the development of cross-border cooperation in order to develop an integrated approach, guidelines and green technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the processing of biofuels.

The SBDecarb project is implemented in partnership with the University of Klaipėda (Lithuania). The project includes workshops for participants from Poland, Lithuania and partners from other countries covered by the program (Sweden, Denmark, Germany). The concept developed in the project will be the starting point for the preparation of a regular application under the European funds of the Interreg South Baltic programme.

Project number: STHB.02.02.00-22-S246/22-00

Project partners:

Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland - LP

Klaipeda University, Lithuania - PP2