Aktualności | Faculty of Chemistry at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications

Oxygenium - Supporting Open Access Publications

The Oxygenium Supporting Open Access Publications Program is a part of the implementation of IDUB project tasks in the scope of increasing the quality level of scientific activity at university within the action I.4 (Activities for increasing the number of publications in prestigious journals and publishing houses). Funds in the program are  intended to finance fees for the publication of articles in Open Access format in journals and publishers (including the so-called Data Journal for Open Research Data).

Our success in the WEAVE - UNISONO competition financed by National Science Center

Janusz Datta

In the years 2024-2026, our Faculty will implement an international project entitled "Sustainable polyurethanes "from the cradle to the grave" using enzymes" co-financed by National Science Center. The project manager is Professor Janusz Datta, and the funding amount is 1 077 200 PLN.

Faculty seminar "Designing and Obtaining New Carriers Based on Raw Materials from Biorefineries; Process Scaling and Commercialization"

On February 6, 2024 at 11:15 a.m. in Auditorium 1.4. a faculty seminar will take place. Dr. Agnieszka Lewińska (University of Wrocław) will give a speech entitled: "Designing and Obtaining New Carriers Based on Raw Materials from Biorefineries; Process Scaling and Commercialization"

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2nd scientific seminar organized by the scientific group RedOx

We cordially invite you to the 2nd scientific seminar organized by the scientific group RedOx. Dr. Eng. Konrad Trzciński from the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology will present a lecture entitled "Analysis of the mechanisms of action of electrode materials through Raman spectroscopy."

Professor Wiesław Wojnowski is dead

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Professor Wiesław Wojnowski, Professor Emeritus of Gdańsk University of Technology, is dead. He was associated with the Faculty of Chemistry of Gdańsk University of Technology his entire professional life.

It is with deep regret that we received the information that on 6 January 2024, Professor Wiesław Wojnowski, the founder of the scientific school of chemistry of organosilicon compounds of international importance, passed away at the age of 90.

Professor Wiesław Wojnowski was born on 7 March 1933 in Toruń, in 1952 he graduated from the Technical Secondary School of Chemistry in Toruń, and then in 1957 he studied at our Faculty.

Faculty seminar "On 'the track' of reactive metabolites: enzymatic vs. electrochemical synthesis ..."

On January 25th, 2024 1.15 pm in Auditorium 1.4 a faculty seminar will take place. The presentation will be given by dr inż. Agnieszka Potęga.

The topic of the speech is “On “the track” of reactive metabolites: enzymatic vs. electrochemical synthesis of products of activation and detoxification metabolism of anticancer (bis)acridine derivatives”

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